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Little Footsteps

Little Footsteps

Little Footsteps
International Parent & Toddler Group, since 2016

Little Footsteps is an international parent and toddler group for 0-4 years.

Parents are encouraged to come and join us for a time of friendship and play.

There will be toys for all ages, stories, crafts and lots of singing.

We are delighted to announce that Little Footsteps has re-opened at the Quaker Meeting House, following government and Quaker Meeting House guidelines. 

Our place of Fun!


Every Thursday,
term time only,
10.00 a.m – 11.30 a.m


Quaker Meeting House, Warwick Place
Cheltenham, GL52 2PN

How Much?

Cost: £1.50 per family.


All nationalities WELCOME!

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Contact Little Footsteps

Phone Numbers:

Caroline (07889242767)


On Facebook:

Little Footsteps, Cheltenham

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